{"error":"","basket":{"shippingAmount":"0","basketAmount":76.7,"totalAmount":76.7,"_isDeliverySet":false,"_isPaymentSet":false,"iyzicoTransactionResponse":null,"iyzicoTransactionid":null,"iyzicoToken":null,"iyzicoConversationId":null,"items":{"_325":{"quantity":1,"product":{"id":"325","title_en":"Spicy Chili Crisp Sauce 210gr","title":"Spicy Chili Crisp Sauce 210gr","productTypeId":"104","productCategoryId":"2","price":"85.2","stock":"0","discountedPrice":"76.7","finalPrice":"76.7","inStock":"yok","mainImage":"\/media\/images\/product\/Laoganma-spicy-chili-crisp2.jpg","brand":{"id":"223","title":"Lao Gan Ma","content_tr":"Lao Gan Ma, \u00c7in'in me\u015fhur biber sosu markas\u0131d\u0131r. 1997 y\u0131l\u0131nda kurulan Laoganma Special Flavor Foodstuffs Company taraf\u0131ndan \u00fcretilmektedir. \u00dcr\u00fcnler; \u00c7in'de ve 30'dan fazla \u00fclkede sat\u0131lmaktad\u0131r. Women of China dergisi Ocak 2011'de \u015firketin varl\u0131klar\u0131n\u0131n 1,3 milyar Yuan (190 milyon ABD Dolar\u0131) oldu\u011funu ve o s\u0131rada \u015firketin 2.000 \u00e7al\u0131\u015fan\u0131 oldu\u011funu bildirdi. Marka; bat\u0131 d\u00fcnyas\u0131nda \u00c7in biber ya\u011flar\u0131n\u0131 ve biberli \u00e7e\u015fnilerini pop\u00fcler hale getirdi ve bir\u00e7ok biber bazl\u0131 \u00e7e\u015fni ve sosa ilham verdi.","content_en":"Lao Gan Ma is a brand of chili sauces made in China. The sauce is produced by Laoganma Special Flavour Foodstuffs Company, which was established in 1997. The development of the sauce in million bottles of the sauce are produced daily. The product is sold in China and over 30 other countries. Women of China magazine reported in January 2011 that the company's assets were 1.3 billion yuan (US$190 million) and that the company had 2,000 employees at that time. Lao Gan Ma is credited with popularizing Chinese chili oil and chili crisp condiments in the western world, and have inspired many Chinese-American chili-based condiments and sauces.\n","content":"Lao Gan Ma is a brand of chili sauces made in China. The sauce is produced by Laoganma Special Flavour Foodstuffs Company, which was established in 1997. The development of the sauce in million bottles of the sauce are produced daily. The product is sold in China and over 30 other countries. Women of China magazine reported in January 2011 that the company's assets were 1.3 billion yuan (US$190 million) and that the company had 2,000 employees at that time. Lao Gan Ma is credited with popularizing Chinese chili oil and chili crisp condiments in the western world, and have inspired many Chinese-American chili-based condiments and sauces.\n","slug_tr":"","slug_en":"","slug":""},"productType":{"title_tr":"Ac\u0131 Biber Sos"},"productCategory":{"title_tr":"Soslar"}},"productId":"325","productPrice":"85.2","productDiscountedPrice":"76.7","totalPrice":76.7}}}}